Walden Security Officer Deangelo Young Featured in News

February 17, 2023

CHARLESTON, SC –Walden Security Officer Deangelo Young was recently featured in an ABC4 News story about his role as a School Security Officer (SSO) for Charleston County School District (CCSD) in Charleston, South Carolina.

Officer Young works as an SSO at one of five CCSD schools that are part of a new program to provide full-time security at schools. While most CCSD schools have School Resource Officers (SROs), many do not have an SRO that works full-time. To cover the gap, SSOs provide a full-time security presence at the schools focusing on the physical protection of the campus

Pictured: Officer Deangelo Young walking through his campus during the ABC News 4 videoshoot.

There is an important distinction between SSOs and SROs. SSOs are full-time security officers licensed by the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division. SSOs must have at least five years of law enforcement-related training, including crisis response, handgun proficiency and de-escalation techniques.

SROs are full-time law enforcement officers employed by a local police department or Sheriff’s Office. SROs work to protect the campus and also serve as counselors and law-related educators to the students.

With school safety being a top priority, the work of SSOs is vital. Officer Young, who joined Walden Security in 2022, brings 22 years of law enforcement experience to his role. In the ABC4 video, you can see that Officer Young brings more than security experience to his role. He brings enthusiasm and a positive attitude each day. He is known for his friendly and caring presence, greeting all students, teachers and guests.

Walden Security is proud to aid CCSD school safety by employing such a talented and caring SSO.